aboutṛtu |
Nothing New Today - unpublished article in
unexisting honest newspaper
is nothing we could write about today that we did not write about
yesterday. We could go on and on about it and still, it will not bring
you closer to the real facts. But yes, we could guide you in forming an
opinion. It's our job, that is what we are trained for. Besides, we
have our own interpretation of things, and then we are owned by someone
and they are owned by someone we can't tell, so you can imagine there
is some manipulation and censorship going on. We could place some
commercials about some new products you could buy, but knowing you
actually don't need them, we decided to stop those marketers hunting
your desires today. Some banks claim to give you more financial
advantages today than yesterday but knowing it will change tomorrow
again, we decided to skip you that part of the number. We could show
you intriguing pictures about devastating wars in faraway countries,
charts about aggression in your city going up or down, but we decided not to
manipulate your opinion with images and charts today. If you have a
good look
around you, there is more information out there than we could write in
of pages. Just take a break from media, go for a walk and simply talk to people on the streets, in
markets, shops, museums, parks...
We could have chosen for a more
attractive design of this page, but
that would be pure marketing, which is not our aim, today.
If you anyhow have a question for which you were eagerly waiting for
today's news, feel free to send it to us. We will do our best to find
the right answer for you. Remember though, we might just tell you anything
and you will believe it, as long as we know how to bring it. As
communication experts, we're pretty good at that. Click > here < to send us your urgent question (this link might not work today).
The Sage: You need to be an authority to be taken seriously. Mira: Do you mean people no longer listen to one another these days? |